Keebryn and I worked on this and they turned out totally "Rockin" ;)
They are fairly cheap to create and I have created a template for you, so that you can simply right click and save to your computer to paste into a blank doc. The image of the heart with wings was found by doing a Google search. The heart image is not mine, however, I designed the remainder of the Valentine.
What Ya Need:
Packs of Pop Rocks
Template for the Valentine
Clear treat bags
What Ya Do:
OK... it's fairly simple.
1) Make sure you have your supplies and have enough for each kido you will be donating these to.
2) I would print off the template first... It is the image below. What you do is right click and download the picture. Then open a new blank document and place this into the page, twice. Only two will fit onto a page. I suggest that you print just one and practice the folding (below) before printing all needed. Practice the folding to ensure they are measured correctly.
4) Then it's folding time. As you cut these out, cut very close to the line on all sides, EXCEPT the top. Leave about 1/3 of an inch on the top. This will help line up the writing in the center as you fold. After they have written on the card, fold it by meeting the two ends and make a fold. Check to make sure it folds.
5) Now allow your kido to stuff a packet of rock candy into one of the clear bags.
7) Now place the folded card stradeling the bag and staple on both sides.
Super simple!
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